lunes, 8 de abril de 2013


Hi everyone! This project was originally intended to be a deviantArt journal but they don't allow video uploading, so I ended up deciding for an actual blog. This blog will serve as a progression reel and journal for Animschool and I will ONLY upload assignments after I hand them over for critiqu (those are weekly revisions, so one video/blog entry per week)
The uploads will have the following format:

Stage: [Blocking / Splining / Polish / Final etc.]
Personal Notes: [What I learned, what was hard, my emotional state, etc.)
Little about myself:
I've tried to persue a carreer in 3D animation in two local universities only to find that most professors have no idea what they're talking about and that the university fills you up with non-sensical additional classes which only burn your time up and stop you from improving at the area you should be improving. With this realization I decided to quit university alltogether and found out about online schools and people getting trained by actual working professionals over at Animation Mentor, iAnimate and AnimSchool. I ended up picking AnimSchool (From here on mentioned as 'AS') and this is now my one and only educational activity (aside from teaching myself programming, but that's boring and I won't include it in blog posts)

I've been at the school for only 3 months and one week and I feel my animation has improved to be probably five to ten times as good as it used to be a merely two months ago. I cannot wait to share with you all the next months (actually years) that I have ahead of me over at AS.
I'm currently at trimester #02, which is titled "Body Mechanics", so the stuff you'll see here will all be related to that area.

I hope this comes in handy to aspiring animators and we all learn something from my experience. 
As a way of further introducing myself I'll post everything done last trimester (No description text or critiques, though. They're all at final stage)
Bouncing Basketball

Varying Weight Bouncing Balls

Ball with Character

Simple Chain

Flying Ship with Chain Attached

Standard Walkcycle (NOT FULL BIPED)

180 Degree Turn (NOT FULL BIPED)

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